If you have incorrectly closed a period without assigning payments to your employees please email for assistance using the email address below:


Please ensure in the title of the email you include the name of your company and a brief description (i.e. 'MyCompany - Month 7 closed without payments attached') 

In the body of the email just advise us of the error that's been made and as long as no submissions have been processed a member of the support team will be able to look into performing a 'Rollback' wich will re-open the incorrectly closed period for you. 

If for example you had 5 employees and all had omitted payments the whole period would need rolling back however if four employees were correct and only one employee had payments omitted we can partially rollback the system so only the one effected employees record will be re-opened for you to correct and re-close the period. If you provide this level of detail in your support request in a clear and concise format it will aid us to efficiently resolve the issue as will possibly negate any questions we have surrounding the rollback required.

Please ensure that the request is ONLY emailed from the email address you provided when setting up your company portal as this is the only authorised email address we are able to accept amendments/requests from for security purposes.